More on Field Trips
Field trips can be a great enrichment to your family's education! They can also be a nice break in the day to day routine, bringing a breath of fresh air, just when everyone needs it!
1. Think about areas of interest for your family, and look around for possible sites to visit. When you have a place in mind, check on-line or phone for information on their field trip policy. (They may not have one, so be a gracious ambassador for home educators as you explore whether they would be open to the idea!) 2. Once you have a venue, date, time confirmed, email or call the Field Trip Coordinator and give her the details. She will forward the information to the Chairperson for inclusion in the agenda, emails and Facebook page. 3. Collect any money up front, as it simplifies matters. Remember, it is okay to say, "No" to requests for exceptions, extensions and extras! 4. There are times when an activity or meeting costs additional money. Any requests for CCHE funds must be approved by the board prior to expenditure. Please fill out and submit the Co-Op Money Request form at the bottom of this page. Your original receipt should be attached to this form and handed in to a board member. The board member will submit your form at a board meeting and your request will be discussed. The CCHE Board will inform you of its decision. *** IMPORTANT *** After the field trip /event, return your sign-in sheet to the Field Trip Coordinator. The Sign-up sheet is to help you with your planning of the event. You do not need to submit this form. *****Contact the CCHE Field Trip Coordinator if you need more help with this process or have any questions.***** |