Statement of Faith
CCHE Statement of Faith
(God – the Trinity)
We believe in one God. God is eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each person of the godhead
is coeternal, coexistent and coequal. While each member of the godhead, which is also known as the Trinity, has different roles,
the differentiation of roles does not in any way suggest a lessening of nature or substance.
We believe in God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, measureless in power.
We rejoice that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men, that He hears and answers prayer and that
He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the second person of the Trinity and shares all the attributes of the Father and Holy Spirit.
Jesus entered into human history through the virgin conception known as the Incarnation. Born to human parents
He nevertheless retains the fullness of deity without compromising His fullness as a human being.
He is both perfect God and perfect man. He lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died, was resurrected
and ascended to the right hand of the Father. He will one day personally return to the world in power and glory.
(Holy Spirit)
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and shares all the attributes of the Father and Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit is not a cosmic force or a sense of ambience. He is a person and exercises will, volition
and emotion as He continues the work of Christ in the New Covenant Era.
We believe that the Holy Bible consists of 66 books. Thirty seven are to be found in the Hebrew Old Testament
and twenty nine comprise the Greek New Testament. The Bible is without error or contradiction. While human authors
penned the words of each book, the Holy Spirit inspired the human agents to faithfully record the very words of God.
To that end, the Bible is a divinely revealed document and is the final authority for life, worship and practice.
Human beings are the high point of God’s creation. Mankind is created in the image of God. Both male and female are
image bearers and have been charged with stewardship of God’s creation. In man’s early state, man rebelled against God,
incurring the wrath and judgment of God. The consequence of this rebellion was that mankind’s nature was forever altered.
This altered nature is known in Scripture as the sin nature and results in spiritual death.
The sin nature eternally separates mankind from God who is altogether perfect, holy and without blemish.
We believe that God, in His great grace to us, offers His only son, Jesus Christ, as the only way by which we may be saved
from eternal punishment, enter into God’s family and receive eternal life. Jesus Christ came into the world to save mankind
from the guilt and condemnation of sin, offering His blood as the redemptive sacrifice, making it available to all
who put their trust in Him. The gift of salvation is offered freely as a result of the substitutionary death and resurrection
of Jesus Christ to all those who put their faith in Him and not in works.
We believe in the regenerative power of the Holy Spirit and in the spiritual unity of all regenerate believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in the resurrection of all people, resurrection unto eternal life for all Christian believers,
and unto eternal ruin for the lost. We believe in the reality of Heaven and Hell.
We believe that marriage consists of one man and one woman for life.
We believe that the universe came into being instantaneously, out of nothing, through the spoken word of God.
We reject any theory that suggests, that time, chance or nothingness can adequately account for creation.
Although all board members will be required to subscribe to our statement of faith, group members are only asked to acknowledge and respect that, as a Christian organization, the statement of faith is the foundation upon which the Cambridge Christian Home Educators support group conducts its business and activities.